Tire Recycling Program in Ontario
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As of January 1, 2019, the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (Ontario Regulation 225/18), places certain responsibilities directly on individual producers – tire manufacturers, equipment manufacturers and importers. As an importer of trailers and individual tires into Ontario, First Place Trailers is considered a producer.
In compliance with Section 12 of the Act, below are the details of our promotion and education program:
- A tire collection site is available at our business location, 7 Loyalist Drive in Brighton.
- In addition to selling tires, we also allow the public to drop-off their used tires at our collection site.
- As part of our collection requirements, we work with YES Environmental Services & Solutions, an approved Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), in accordance with the Ontario government tires regulation O. REG. 225/18, to manage our collection and reporting responsibilities.
Tire Recycling Fee
To recover the cost of collecting and recycling tires, First Place Trailers is authorized to charge a Tire Recycling Fee. The fee details are outlined on the invoice provided when this fee has been applied.